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About Luca

Luca Storm is a Thriller and Suspense Writer.

"Ruthless Alliance" is her first thriller novel, and she’s currently penning the second book of the series.

Luca’s been an avid reader of mysteries since she picked up her first Nancy Drew book in the third grade and read it with a flashlight under the bedcovers, long after her bedtime. Her parents were avid readers and encouraged her to read in all genres. As an adult, she still gravitates to suspense thrillers.

Her favorite fiction authors are Harlan Coben, Patricia Cornwell, JT Ryan, and Lee Child. She’s also a fan of non-fiction authors Malcolm Gladwell, James Clear, and Seth Godin.

The characters she creates are realistic, three-dimensional, and some are darkly funny. Her style is to write in first-person, giving each character a distinct voice and viewpoint. The plots unwind throughout the book. The end of her books are always a surprise, but they resolve the story. Youl’ll find no hanging endings in her books, because she's no fan of them when she reads for pleasure. However, you may find some familiar characters in subsequent books.

Much of RUTHLESS ALLIANCE takes place in Northern Mexico. She lived there in the mid-2000s with her husband and many rescue dogs. It's where she learned the vernacular used by some of her characters in this book. And the locations are all real as well. The warm people and culture of Mexico have a special place in her heart.

An audiobook version of RUTHLESS ALLIANCE is available on Audible and most other audio platforms.

The second book in the series, Ruthless Pursuit, is scheduled for early 2024. She's also working on the screenplay for Ruthless Alliance.

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